Wednesday, 24 December 2008 |
An excellent victory of the Russian grandmaster! The players debated in the Najdorf Sicilian, and Jakovenko’s approach to the opening problems proved sounder. Note his choice of 15.exd5! instead of the more natural 15.Rxd5 – Dmitry correctly assessed that White gets great attacking prospects after the former move.
I found two improvements for Rustam. First of all, he should have blocked White’s dangerous pawn by 19…Nf6! 20.Qf3 Nh5. Secondly, instead of 23…Rfe8 he should have neutralized the dangerous d3-bishop by 23…Nc5!
After these chances were missed, Jakovenko’s attack developed smoothly, and Dmitry won a nice game.
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Sunday, 21 December 2008 |
Vugar GASHIMOV: - Many chess players usually suffer from defeats or overall tournament failures. I think, one should stand defeats philosophically, because it is impossible to win all the time and be among the winners. But on the other hand, if you prepare comprehensively for the competition and aim at struggle, then there will be more successes than failures, or, moreover, you will have no defeats in the tournament. As for me, I easily stand failures, defeats, and I try not to get stuck on it. I consider such an attitude to failures as one of my fortes. I prefer not to think too much and about my victory or draw in the lately played game, and not to revolve in my head some separate moments of it. More...
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Tuesday, 23 December 2008 |
Grischuk-Wang Yue
The leader won today’s game with surprising ease. Wang Yue handled a fashionable line of the Slav Defense very creatively, got a slightly inferior position, in which he failed to find a sensible plan and lost without resistance. Seemingly natural moves 18…Qe7 and 19…Rad8 eventually led Black to a disaster. I think the Chinese grandmaster should have played 18…Bf8! and then seek counterplay on the queenside, while routine centralization gave White a solid advantage. Grischuk converted his advantage just perfectly.
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Interview with GM Vugar Gashimov |
Monday, 22 December 2008 |
Vugar GASHIMOV: “We have a young team”

22 year old GM from Baku Vugar Gashimov is one of Elista FIDE Grand Prix tournament leaders. In Round 8 he made a draw game with his country-man Teimur Radjabov playing Black. After the game was over Vugar answered our questions.
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